The Price of Dormice

Waiting to cross the road in Wolvercote, Mick is almost run down by Oxford's influential and perpetually angry chief planner Conrad. The near-miss and ensuing violence awaken Mick's sense of justice. Meanwhile Conrad's wife Kimberley demands a divorce, having had enough of her husband's abuse, and gets closer to Mick.

Conrad is colluding with venerable St Mark's College in their sale of a 650-acre farm for development. Strategically located in the OxCam Growth Arc, the development will involve bulldozing a nature reserve and its dormice. Mick joins other ordinary people in protest. Kimberley extends a helping hand to Mick, but tragedy strikes and Mick becomes prime suspect in a murder case.

Unable to prove his innocence, he realises truth hardly matters in this game of privileged versus powerless. The privileged set the rules, forcing Mick and friends to resort to French farmer tactics and blackmail. Romance blooms amid murders, while the fate of the dormice hangs in the balance.

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