Notes on context

The Conservative government launched a plan several years ago to create the UK's answer to Silicon Valley across the five counties of Oxon, Bucks, Beds, Northants and Cambs - the OxCam Growth Arc. This would add 1.1 million houses to the existing building targets for the constituent authorities, some 400,000 of them in Oxfordshire, and a mass of workspace, shopping space, infrastructure, etc., to meet the needs of more than 2 million new inhabitants.

When it became apparent that there was incompatibility between the 'levelling up' rhetoric of the time and their plan to concentrate 35% of UK growth over the next 30 years in these five counties, a government minister mimed 'flushing it down the loo' to imply that the growth arc was dead and buried.

What in fact was dead and buried was any open discussion of the plans, and hence any democratic control. The project continues, in cryptic and apparently unconnected pieces
