The Price of Dormice is my first novel, published on October 28th 2024 and available in print and e-book from all good bookshops and my publisher.

I would love to know what you think of it.

Another novel featuring Mick and friends is hoping to see the light of day during 2025, and one featuring Mick’s ‘friendly cop’ DS Grant is following close behind.

A collection of short stories is due out in autumn 2024. You will occasionally find free samples of stories here too.

Keep up to date with these and more on the News & Events page.

You can use the Contact page to organise an author talk/reading - in person or on-line - for your book group, bookshop, library, sitting room or whatever, to link to social media accounts, to sign up for very occasional blog posts, to tell me what you make of my work, or to send me a message about almost anything.

Please do!